Services We Provide


Clinics and Services We Provide To Our Patients


At Thursby Surgery we believe prevention is better than cure.


If you are eligible for a service or screening that we can offer, you will be contacted by us and/or from the service directly - this could be via phone, text message, or email.


We offer a range of different services for our eligible patients, please click the boxes below to find out more information.





Well Baby & Immunisation Clinic

Baby Clinics with the Health Visitor Tuesday PM.

  • All Parents of new babies should contact the Health Visitor to have your baby measured and weighed at least one week before your babies first 8 week vaccination is due.

  • Health Visitor - The Chai Centre (Combined Children’s Centre and Healthy Living), Hurtley Street, Burnley, BB10 1BY.  Tel: 01282 657395 - Fax: 01282 421190 Email:

well baby and immunisation clinic


Family Planning and Contraceptive Advice

We offer a complete family planning service including advice on contraception and emergency contraception (sometimes called the morning after pill).

Smoking Cessation Advice

We provide advice on how patients may stop smoking. We actively encourage patients to have a programme for stopping smoking and adopting a lifestyle for reducing the risk of heart disease.   Alternatively you can contact the Smoking Cessation Service direct on 01254 380424


Travel Vaccinations

Our practice nurses are well trained and experienced in helping you to be adequately protected for your holiday trip abroad. We offer a comprehensive range of vaccinations. A fee may be charged. Please ask at reception.


Well Woman and Well Man Clinic

By appointment with the nurse.


Minor Surgery and Cryotherapy

Minor surgery and cryotherapy are available at the surgery.

Asthma Clinic

Run by the nurse for any child or adult with asthma. In addition to regular check-ups and dealing with problems as they arise, we also instruct on proper use of inhalers and other devices.

For more information all about asthma please click here.




A clinic is run for diabetic patients. Appointments are flexible but usually involve two visits to the nurse and one to the doctor each year. We perform regular checks on control, screen for complications and can arrange appointments with the dietician, chiropodist, optician or hospital as appropriate.

Flu Vaccination

If you have a heart or lung problem, asthma, diabetes or are in frail health you are advised to have a flu injection every year. Clinics are held in October when the vaccine becomes available.



NHS Direct

The NHS provides a nurse led scheme which can be contacted at any time on 0845 4647 Or on line at This is a valuable source of advice and assistance.

Antenatal Clinic

The antenatal clinic is led by the midwife and the doctor is available for consultation when necessary. Care is usually shared with the hospital.


Cervical Smears

We recommend that all women up to the age of 64 have a smear every three years. You may make an appointment for a smear with the practice nurse during normal working hours.


Private Medical Examinations

These are available for Insurance, HGV and pre-employment purposes. A fee is charged based on the recommended published scale from the BMA. Please ask at reception.




If you have responsibility for the care of another person please let us know so that our records are complete. This enables us to provide you with the best possible care.

Extended Access Service Survey