Minor Eye Conditions Service - Burnley


The Minor Eye Conditions service is available for all patients with both new or very recent minor eye problems, to assist with getting the help that they need quickly and easily.
Under this scheme, any patient can self-present (No need for a GP referral) with a minor eye condition to an optometrist that provides this service.

At a MECS appointment, clinical assessment, diagnosis and then clinical management will take place. Other, more serious eye problems - which may seem "minor" - may require the help of an eye specialist (An Ophthalmologist).
If this is the case, the MECS practitioner can make the referral for the patient directly with the hospital - Making it easier for them to get the treatment they need as quickly as possible.


What conditions are treated at the MECS?

The following conditions are seen under the MECS service;

 - Watery eyes
 - In-growing lashes (Trichiasis - This can feel like you have something in your eye)
 - Superficial foreign bodies
 - Inflammation of the eyelids (Blepharitis - red, flaky and itchy lids)
 - Dry eye (Feels; gritty, itchy, stinging, burning)
 - Red Eye (Red in appearance, but with normal vision and no pain)
 - Flashing lights (Also known  as "Floaters")
 - Styes and lid lumps (Known as Chalazion and Hordeolum)

 - An example of "Red Eye"

Minor Eye Conditions Service Locations (Burnley)

The MECS is available at the following opticians;

 - Browns Opticians (58 St. James Street - 01282 426068)
 - Boots Opticians (51 St. James Street - 01282 416850)

 - Specsavers (Unit 41, 25 The Mall - 01282450045)

 - Second Sight Eyecare (32-40 Kirby Walk - 01282 839009)

 - M Anderson Optometrist (40 Lyndhurst Road - 01282 453424)

 - Mark Jinkinson Optometrist (95 Burnley Road, Padiham - 01282771600)

For more information regarding the services provided by MECS, please click here

Opening Hours

 - Opening times may vary, but most MECS are open between 09:00 and 17:30 Monday to Friday (A few operate 10:00 to 16:00 on Sundays)

 - It advisable to contact the opticians ahead to double check opening times.